

View synonyms for representative


[ rep-ri-zen-tuh-tiv ]


  1. a person or thing that represents another or others.
  2. an agent or deputy:

    a legal representative.

  3. a person who represents a constituency or community in a legislative body, especially a member of the U.S. House of Representatives or a lower house in certain state legislatures.
  4. a typical example or specimen of a group, quality, or kind.


  1. serving to represent; representing.

    Synonyms: characteristic, typical, exemplary, symbolic

  2. standing or acting for another or others.
  3. made up of representatives:

    a representative assembly.

  4. Government. of or relating to a system of governance by chosen representatives, usually elected from among a large group, as in representative democracy representative government
  5. exemplifying a group or kind; typical:

    a representative selection of Elizabethan plays.

  6. corresponding to or replacing some other species or the like, as in a different locality.
  7. of, relating to, or characteristic of representationalism.
  8. pertaining to or of the nature of a mental image or representation.


/ ˌrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv /


  1. a person or thing that represents another or others
  2. a person who represents and tries to sell the products or services of a firm, esp a travelling salesman Often shortened torep
  3. a typical example
  4. a person representing a constituency in a deliberative, legislative, or executive body, esp ( capital ) a member of the House of Representatives (the lower house of Congress) See also House of Representatives
  5. a rugby player, football player, etc, chosen to represent a province in interprovincial sports


  1. serving to represent; symbolic
    1. exemplifying a class or kind; typical

      a representative example of the species

    2. containing or including examples of all the interests, types, etc, in a group

      a representative collection

  2. acting as deputy or proxy for another or others
  3. acting for or representing a constituency or the whole people in the process of government

    a representative council

  4. of, characterized by, or relating to the political principle of representation of the people

    representative government

  5. of or relating to a mental picture or representation

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Derived Forms

  • ˌrepreˈsentatively, adverb
  • ˌrepreˈsentativeness, noun

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Other Words From

  • repre·senta·tive·ly adverb
  • repre·senta·tive·ness noun
  • nonrep·re·senta·tive noun adjective
  • nonrep·re·senta·tive·ly adverb
  • nonrep·re·senta·tive·ness noun
  • over·repre·senta·tive adjective
  • over·repre·senta·tive·ly adverb
  • over·repre·senta·tive·ness noun
  • unrep·re·senta·tive adjective
  • unrep·re·senta·tive·ly adverb
  • unrep·re·senta·tive·ness noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of representative1

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English (adjective), from Medieval Latin repraesentātīvus, from repraesentāt(us) “made present” ( representation ) + -īvus -ive

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Example Sentences

Duke was a state representative whose neo-Nazi alliances were disgorged in media reports during his run for governor in 1991.

There are four photos there of representative presidential candidates.

Scalise was a state representative old enough to remember the notoriety of Farrell and Knight from years before.

For his part, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has expressed his “full confidence” in Representative Scalise.

He is a representative of the Free Russia Foundation, an organization which aims to rebuild freedom and democracy in Russia.

He was the most distinguished representative of the English school of composition, and was knighted in 1842.

By far the most important of the conjugate sulphates and representative of the group is potassium indoxyl sulphate.

It is not surprising after this to learn that some children are slow in seizing the representative character of acting.

It had its counterpart on the political side in the rise of representative democratic government.

Like art, too, on its representative side, play aims at producing an imitation or semblance of something.



